DIVE Medical

No visually impaired children undiagnosed in the world

TrackAI emerges as a collaboration between DIVE-Medical and Huawei to aid in the diagnosis of visual pathologies leveraging artificial intelligence.

Detecting pathologies

Incorporating AI to DIVE, we can not only measure the visual function, but also estimate the probability of the patient having a certain pathology.

A world-wide collaboration

Ophthalmologists from 5 different countries across 3 continents collect data from thousands of children.

Analyzing gaze patterns

We find gaze patterns in the way children look at visual stimuli, and relate them to visual development and to certain specific disorders.

Portable and non-invasive

The result is a non-invasive, portable technology that enables fast and reliable detection of visual impairments.

Our goal

"For the past few years, we have been committed to developing a tool that will assess visual function in young children and help identify those with visual impairments. With Huawei supporting and powering DIVE through AI we are now able to work towards this goal. We are implementing this technology globally and with a multi-ethnic approach, in order to identify specific types of visual impairment."
Victoria Pueyo
Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Co-founder of DIVE Medical


According to World Health Organi­zation estimates, there are around 19 million children in the world suffering from visual impairment. With timely intervention, 70–80% of them can have their problems prevented or treated. In this con­text, the timing of diagnosis and treatment becomes the key to deci­ding these children's futures. Currently, the proportion of children suffering from an eye disease who receive early treatment makes up just one third of the total.

Current situation

Currently, ophthalmologists use ba­sic analogue examination mechanis­ms that were created decades ago. The doctor sits in front of the child and shows him different stimuli, while observing the child’s reaction in order to estimate how his vision function is working. This examination procedure requi­res highly experienced ophthalmo­logists, and even in that case, provides subjective results with low precision and low repeatability.


We have developed a new medical device called DIVE (Device for an Integral Visual Examination), which provides an automatic, fast, and accurate exploration of the visual function, even for non-verbal patients, such as small children and babies. DIVE uses a high-resolution screen to display different stimuli, thus removing the element of human interference and outputting more precise visual stimulation. In addition, DIVE tracks eye move­ments, automatically exami­ning chil­dren's eyes with greater accuracy than a doctor's visual observation.


Analysing gaze data is a challenging problem. Starting from the DIVE platform and its gaze analysis software, we are now developing a new artificial intelligence module, thanks to Huawei’s HiAI platform. In this project, we are incorporating a Huawei P30 smartphone to our DIVE device. The P30 and DIVE will be connected via bluetooth, and the doctor will use the P30 to manage gaze data collection. Collected data will then be used to run an artificial intelligence algo­rithm in real time in order to es­timate the probability of the patient having a certain pathology.

Artificial intelligence

As AI is constantly learning and op­timizing, the growth of its database will make machine learning increa­singly accurate, to the extent that it will be able to account for different races and cultural environments. At present, four medical institutions in Spain, Vietnam, Mexico, and China have started the gaze data collection phase required to train the AI algorithm.


Track AI is not a replacement for professional medical diagnosis, but rather it aims at developing a device for screening and doctor assistance. It will help non-professionals to cat­ch children’s visual problems early so that they can be forwarded to an ophthalmologist, and enable practi­tioners to make a more timely diag­nosis and better decisions about treatment. Also, the high portability of Track AI system increases the range of usage scenarios, benefiting more children, particularly in developing countries.

Technology validated with more than 4,000 patients in 5 countries

Special thanks to the following research centres

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