Accurate, objective, and repeatable metrics of the visual function for more objective diagnosis and follow-up
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DIVE for ophthalmologists and optometrists
DIVE Vision Exam provides a complete report with detailed and objective metrics related to all visual functions selected, which can be analyzed by an ophthalmologist, an optometrist, or an orthoptist. Using that report, they will be able to make a diagnosis of the visual function with objective data. Key features:
- High rate of test completion in preverbal children
- Normative curves from 6 months to 15 years for all metrics
- All tests validated vs. gold standards

Monocular and binocular tests
Option to program the required test sequence for each patient
Selection of exam accuracy for each type of test
Immediate results on normative curves for each age
Comparison of results from successive visits to facilitate follow-up
PDF generation with print report and email capability
Specific visual function metrics
DIVE Vision Exam software module provides several visual function tests to obtain accurate and objective measures for patient diagnosis and follow-up. After programming the required tests, the software automatically adapts the presented stimuli to the patients’ reactions, optimizing the duration of the exploration. Tests can be paused and resumed at anytime.
Grating visual acuity

Based on the preferential looking paradigm with 4 stimuli to increase accuracy.
You can test each eye in seconds covering a wide range of frequencies.
High rate of test completion in preverbal children.
Contrast sensitivity

Three levels of scanning accuracy.
Adaptive procedure with an excellent time-accuracy tradeoff.
High rate of test completion in preverbal children.
Oculomotor control

High rate of test completion in children with a test that can be performed in just a few seconds per eye.
Option of larger stimuli for very uncooperative patients.
Good repeatability in gaze stability, fixation stability, saccadic reaction time, and peek velocity.
Grating visual acuity

Based on the preferential looking paradigm with 4 stimuli to increase accuracy.
You can test each eye in seconds covering a wide range of frequencies.
High rate of test completion in preverbal children.
Contrast sensitivity

Three levels of scanning accuracy.
Adaptive procedure with an excellent time-accuracy tradeoff.
High rate of test completion in preverbal children.
Oculomotor control

High rate of test completion in children with a test that can be performed in just a few seconds per eye.
Option of larger stimuli for very uncooperative patients.
Good repeatability in gaze stability, fixation stability, saccadic reaction time, and peek velocity.
Colour perception

Report in dE units for protan, deutan, and tritan axis.
You can evaluate the severity of colour vision defect in children over 6 years of age in just a few minutes.
LD visual acuity

Test designed for distances of 1 m, 2 m and 3 m.
LogMAR and decimal results.
Visual acuity values between -0.3 and 1.1 LogMAR.
Validated vs. Lea Symbols and HOTV with very high correlation.
More coming
We are constantly working to improve what we already have and develop new features that will help us provide affordable and effective means to prevent blindness and eradicate vision-related developmental problems.
Do you want to know more?
If you have any questions about DIVE Vision Exam, you can download the TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS of our device, which includes information about our test validation.
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Exploration with DIVE
Learn more about how to perform an exploration of the visual function with the DIVE Vision Exam module by watching the following video.
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