DIVE Medical


Accurate, objective, and repeatable evaluation of several visual functions

Fast and accurate vision diagnosis even for non-verbal patients

DIVE features a high-resolution touchscreen for visual stimuli display and interaction, an eye tracker to capture the patient’s response to those stimuli, and an ergonomic case designed for optimal positioning of the device.

It is non-invasive and specially designed for pediatric patients. Combining eye tracking technology with carefully designed stimuli and algorithms, DIVE allows us to perform faster, more accurate, and more comfortable exams of the visual function even in non-verbal patients.

Our tests

The application includes several visual tests based on validated stimuli for each age, with adaptative presentation of the stimuli during the tests following psychophysical procedures. Data is automatically analysed in real time, and outcomes are presented with normative references throughout childhood.

Visual acuity

Examination of the spatial resolution of the visual system with a grating visual acuity test at 65 cm and recognition test, with letters or symbols, at 1/2/3 m distance.

Contrast sensitivity

Measurement of the ability to distinguish a grating pattern with different luminances and spatial frequencies and generation of the contrast sensitivity curve.

Oculomotor control

An exhaustive description of fixation stability, saccadic, and smooth pursuit performance.

Colour perception

Measurement of chromatic discrimination in each of the three colour vision axes (protan, deutan and tritan) and detection and quantification of the severity of any colour perception defect.

Visual acuity

Examination of the spatial resolution of the visual system with a grating visual acuity test at 65 cm and recognition test, with letters or symbols, at 1/2/3 m distance.

Contrast sensitivity

Measurement of the ability to distinguish a grating pattern with different luminances and spatial frequencies and generation of the contrast sensitivity curve.

Oculomotor control

An exhaustive description of fixation stability, saccadic, and smooth pursuit performance.

Colour perception

Detection of colour perception defects and quantitative indication of the severity of the problem in each of the three colour vision axes (deutan, protan and tritan).

DIVE-Medical solutions

DIVE Vision Exam

Take important decisions and validate effectiveness of treatments with objetive and comprehensive data of the visual function.

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DIVE AI Vision Screening

Fast and accurate assessment of the need of referral to the specialist since six months of age

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Technical information

W 320 x L110 x H 320 (mm)
Screen size
Screen resolution
2736 x 1824 px, 267 PPI
1.8 kg
Device interface / connections
Ethernet, USB, WiFi 6.0, Bluetooth 5.0
Battery charger
15 V, 4 A
Bluetooth wireless keyboard
USB charger
Micro USB
Screen calibrator
USB cable
Use environment
10 - 35 ºC
20 - 80 % (without condensation)
Atmospheric pressure
700 hPa - 1060 hPa
Transport and storage environment
0 - 50 ºC
20 - 80 % (without condensation)
Atmospheric pressure
700 hPa - 1060 hPa
Conditions for visual exploration
Light conditions
Without light / minium indirect light
Exploration distance with eye tracker
65 cm
Exploration distance for far visión tests
1m / 2m / 3m
W 320 x L110 x H 320 (mm)
Screen size
Screen resolution
2736 x 1824 px, 267 PPI
1.8 kg
Device interface / connections
Ethernet, USB, WiFi 6.0, Bluetooth 5.0
Battery charger
15 V, 4 A
Bluetooth wireless keyboard
USB charger
Micro USB
Screen calibrator
USB cable
Use environment
10 - 35 ºC
20 - 80 % (without condensation)
Atmospheric pressure
700 hPa - 1060 hPa
Transport and storage environment
0 - 50 ºC
20 - 80 % (without condensation)
Atmospheric pressure
700 hPa - 1060 hPa
Conditions for visual exploration
Light conditions
Without light / minium indirect light
Exploration distance with eye tracker
65 cm
Exploration distance for far visión tests
1m / 2m / 3m
W 320 x L110 x H 320 (mm)
Screen size
Screen resolution
2736 x 1824 px, 267 PPI
1.8 kg
Device interface / connections
Ethernet, USB, WiFi 6.0, Bluetooth 5.0
Battery charger
15 V, 4 A
Bluetooth wireless keyboard
USB charger
Micro USB
Screen calibrator
USB cable
Use environment
10 - 35 ºC
20 - 80 % (without condensation)
Atmospheric pressure
700 hPa - 1060 hPa
Transport and storage environment
0 - 50 ºC
20 - 80 % (without condensation)
Atmospheric pressure
700 hPa - 1060 hPa
Conditions for visual exploration
Light conditions
Without light / minium indirect light
Exploration distance with eye tracker
65 cm
Exploration distance for far visión tests
1m / 2m / 3m

FAQs and troubleshooting

DIVE is a platform consisting of a device and two software modules, DIVE Vision Exam and DIVE AI Vision Screening. The features of each are as follows:

DIVE Vision Exam allows automated testing of oculomotor control, visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and colour perception. It makes it possible to explore each visual ability in isolation or as a battery of tests, monocularly or binocularly.

DIVE AI Vision Screening performs a comprehensive and automatic analysis of the entire visual function. It includes a battery of audio-guided tests that, once have been finished, the device process with an Artificial Intelligence system and displays the risk of abnormal visual development, strabismus or colour vision defects.

DIVE incorporates features that favor the exploration of visual function in patients who do not cooperate well with standard tests in ophthalmology and optometry:

  • The design presents an interface approachable to any patient, especially children, a device that is clearly perceived as harmless and non-invasive. The device itself guides the child in the assessment, so he or she is not distracted by other people or voices.
  • The height required to perform the visual examination allows young children to sit on their parents’ lap, so that they are calmer during the process.
  • The interface and colors are attractive, smooth, and do not require the intrusion of healthcare personnel, which can be classically perceived as threatening to some children.
  • The device has active controls of the attention and quality of the measurements obtained in real time, so that the device itself displays stimuli with music to re-capture the patient’s attention in case he/she has momentarily lost it.
  • The evaluation with the device can be performed in any quiet room as long as there is no light or very dim light. In this way it is possible to increase the attention on the screen as it is the only stimulus present for the patient.

DIVE is designed to expand the capabilities of the eye care professional. Obtaining reliable visual function metrics in a matter of minutes is of interest in any clinical scenario. In addition, the autonomous administration of the tests does not require qualified personnel and will help to increase the daily patient portfolio of the practice.

A technician can perform the study of visual skills prior to the consultation. In this way, the ophthalmologist or optician can receive the patient with a lot of information about his or her general visual status, which will favor the patient’s care: less consultation time since we can guide the diagnosis more quickly. Likewise, the number of patients who cannot be scanned is reduced.

Although the first version of DIVE is more focused on pediatric patients, given that the current normative curves go up to 15 years of age, this version can be used in any type of patient to obtain objective measures of visual function.

Currently, adapted versions with more adult stimuli are being developed for non-pediatric patients and the normative curves will be extended to a full age range.

Any alteration in the main visual functions (visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, oculomotor control and colour vision) as well as the presence or absence of strabismus (in the Screening version).

The device is in the final stages of obtaining CE marking. CE marking is the Medical Device manufacturer’s declaration that a product complies with the essential requirements of all relevant European Directives. The Directives describe the safety and performance requirements for medical devices in the European Union (EU).

The device generates customized reports for each of the skills evaluated, showing the values obtained for each metric. Graphs are also shown with the percentile of each parameter with respect to a normative base by age.

It is possible to obtain a PDF report of each exploration that can be printed or sent to an e-mail.

“I place the patient in front of the DIVE device but the Trackbox is not showing correct eye detection.”

  • Ensure that the patient’s position and distance from the DIVE device are correct: the top of the screen should be approximately at eye level, and the eyes of the patient should be at 65 cm from the screen. The D key on the Bluetooth keyboard may be pressed to display on the Trackbox the distance between the patient and the DIVE device.
  • Make sure that the eyes recognized by the eye tracker are not the parent’s eyes
  • The eye tracking system has trouble with some types of glasses. If you are wearing glasses and are having trouble with correct eye positioning, try taking them off.
  • If the patient is using bifocal glasses, instruct them to use the near segment for near tests and the distance segment for far tests.

“Eye location has been successfully performed but when performing the calibration, I get a bad calibration quality notice.”

You can choose to:

  • repeat the calibration (if you think the patient can do a better job),
  • recalibrate with larger stimuli (for children or patients who may not see small stimuli),
  • continue (if you think the patient cannot do a better job).

If after repeating the calibration, the bad calibration quality notice is still displayed, continue with the test.

Continuous head movement can affect eye tracking quality and reliability of results. If the patient is not paying attention to the exploration, the user can pause the test at any time and try to recover the patient’s attention. The P key on the Bluetooth keyboard may be pressed to pause de test. If the patient’s eyes cannot be tracked correctly, the test pauses automatically to allow the user to reposition the patient.

Health care professionals should evaluate if the patient is able to respond to visual stimuli on a screen while maintaining the necessary attention.

“While the patient is being explored, the Trackbox appears showing the eyes are not being detected.”

  • Instruct the patient to move side to side slightly to help the eye tracking system relocate the eyes.
  • If this happens while covering one eye, try uncovering it briefly to help the eye tracking system relocate the eyes.
  • If this happens while covering one eye, make sure the patient is properly covering the correct eye
  • This error is more likely to happen while running the exploration with bad calibration quality. If that is the case and it is not possible to perform the exploration, restart the exploration trying to achieve a good quality calibration.

Screen calibration. “How do I calibrate the screen?”

  • Before starting the screen calibration, the screen must have been on for 30 minutes and the room must be in darkness, in the same conditions in which the explorations will run.
  • Log in the DIVE_Settings user.
  • Connect the calibrator -SpyderX Pro- to the USB port in the back of the DIVE.
  • Launch the Spyder XPro 5.6 application, whose icon is located on the Desktop.
  • Once the application has been launched, follow the steps below:
    1. Set “Standard LED” in the Backlight drop down menu and click “Next”.
    2. Choose FullCALL to perform a full screen calibration. Target configuration must be:
      1. Gamma: 2.20
      2. White dot: 6500K
      3. Brighness: By default, it is set to “Do not adjust”. We must change it to “Adjust” by clicking on “Change Settings” in order to calibrate it to 120 cd/m2
      4. When the configuration is done, click “Next”.
    3. Separate the two parts of the calibrator connected by a string, place the calibrator on the screen and click “Next” to start the calibration.
    4. When brightness has to be adjusted, the calibration will stop. The next screen will ask us to adjust the brightness manually while trying to get the white bar on the right-hand side of the screen on top of the green section. In order to adjust the brightness, we must access Settings → System → Display and perform the following steps:
      1. Manually move the brightness slider. The correct value should be around 53%.
      2. Go back to the calibration application and press “Update”.
      3. Repeat previous steps until the white bar is aligned with the green section of the slider in the calibration application. Then, click “Continue” on the screening application.
    5. Once the process is over, we can save the current calibration parameters and click “Next”.

“I want to connect the DIVE device to my Wi-Fi network but no Wi-Fi network option appears on the Home Screen”

The network configuration is not performed from the Home Screen. To do this, you must follow the steps below:

  1. Log in the DIVE_Settings user
  2. In the toolbar, you will see the Wi-Fi configuration icon. Click on it and choose your Wi-Fi network.

“I want to print a report but I don’t know how to connect the DIVE to my printer”

  1. Log in the DIVE_Settings user
  2. In the Searcher, type “Printers and scanners” to open the Devices Configuration
  3. Click on “Add a printer or scanner” and select your printer

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