DIVE Medical


Spanish technology at the service of global health

About the company

Since 2013 we have been engaged in the development of a tool to assess visual function in very young children in order to detect visual pathologies as early as possible.

Victoria Pueyo

Pediatric ophthalmologist. Co-founder of DIVE Medical

DIVE emerged from the difficulties experienced everyday by ophthalmologists and pediatricians when examining the visual function of preverbal and non-verbal patients. Pediatric ophthalmologists and optometrists from the Hospital Miguel Servet (Zaragoza, Spain) and engineers from the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) worked together to develop a device for fast and accurate examination of the visual function in small children. After five years of research, DIVE-Medical S.L. was founded to bring the benefits of this device to all ophthalmologists, pediatricians and optometrists.

Gael values 2

Our vision is to ensure that everyone lives at their full potential across lifetime through early vision diagnosis and treatment.

Our mission is to provide universal, affordable and effective means to prevent vision impairment and vision-related developmental problems.

bebe values

Our values guide us

Our Code of Conduct is our essential tool to maintain the DIVE spirit and our particular way of developing our activity based on our values.


We are truthful and honest and follow strong ethical and moral principles all the time and we expect all the great partners we collaborate with to do so.

Universal solutions

We aim to provide true and consistent value to everyone we deal with, specially the most challeging patients and all the ones who care for them.


We love diversity and believe in the importance of all stakeholders. We value each person’s ideas and beliefs and the collective power of teamwork.

Social recognition and awards

DIVE-Medical has developed a disruptive and novel technology whose impact on society is potentially immense and has achieved the recognition of important institutions, being its activity awarded with several prizes.


Award for the best SpinUp Emprende project (University of Zaragoza).

‣ eHealth Award

‣ Finalist for the Tercer Milenio Award

‣ Finalist for the Iberus CLH "Emprende" Award

‣ Aid for Research in Vision (ONCE)

‣ Technological Development Projects in Health (DTS)

‣ Health Research Projects (FIS)

‣ Foundation for Innovation and Foresight in Health in Spain (FIPSE) Project


‣ Mobile World Congress (Barcelona, Spain)

‣ Huawei Innovation Day and Eco Connect Day (Paris, France) Presentation Marta Ortín minute 25

‣ Huawei Connect (Shanghai, China) · Interview Victoria Pueyo · Presentation Victoria Pueyo (51’50”)

First Triple Hélice Award with UNIZAR

‣ Intramural Call for the Promotion of research of the IIS Aragón



ERDF Identification

ICEX Next Programme

DIVE Medical S.L. in the framework of the ICEX Next Programme, has been supported by ICEX and co-financed by the European ERDF fund. The aim of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.

CDTI Support


Company beneficiary of the NEOTEC Mujeres Emprendedoras Program, subsidized by the CDTI.

CDTI Support

Seal of Excellence

DIVE Medical S.L. has been funded by CDTI as one of the Spanish SMEs that have received the Seal of Excellence of the Horizon Europe EIC Accelerator program, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan Financed by NextGenerationEU.

Diputación Foral de Gipuzloa y Grupo Spri

Txekintek Ekintzaile

Company beneficiary of the Txekintek Ekintzaile grant, subsidized by the Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa and the Spri Group.

Proud to be supported by
